Turkish Adjectives and their Opposites

Turkish Adjectives and their Opposites

Turkish Adjectives and their Opposites

Adjective Opposite
beautiful güzel ugly çirkin
better daha iyi worse daha kötü
big büyük small küçük
cheap ucuz expensive pahalı
early erken late geç
easy kolay difficult zor
free serbest occupied meşgul
full dolu empty boş
good iyi bad kötü
heavy ağır light hafif
here burada there orada
hot sıcak cold soğuk
near yakın far uzak
first one ilk last one son
next one gelecek past one geçen
aged ihtiyar youth gençlik
old yaşlı young genç
former eski new yeni
open açık shut kapalı
quick çabuk slow yavaş
right doğru wrong yanlış


Position of Turkish Adjectives


Words that describe or modify nouns:

blue house, a rich man.

Adjectives Precede Nouns

Turkish adjectives always precede the nouns that they describe.

They cause no suffix to be added to the described noun.

The noun can be singular or plural.

The noun can be unspecific or specific according to context.

English uses "the" to make nouns particular and specific.

  • güzel kız
    (the) beautiful girl

  • sarı çıçekler
    (the) yellow flowers

  • açık kapı
    (the) open door

  • beyaz evler
    (the) white houses

  • mavi ev
    the blue house

  • mavi evler
    (the) blue houses

  • zengin adam
    the rich man

  • yorgun çocuklar
    tired children

When adjectives follow a noun the meaning is entirely different. It is a "Statement of Fact":

  • Adjectival Statement of Fact

  • ev, mavi
    the house is blue

  • evler mavi
    the houses are blue

  • adam, zengin
    the man is rich

  • Uzun geniş yol. The long wide road.
    is different to
    Uzun yol, geniş. The long road is wide.

  • Geniş yol, uzun. The wide road is long.
    is different to
    Yol, uzun geniş. The road is long and wide.

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