Turkish Potential Mood Positive - to be able, I can

Turkish Potential Mood Positive - to be able, I can

Turkish Potential Mood Positive - to be able, I can

The Potential Mood indicates:
abilityto be able, can or dispositionmay, might

The Potential Mood uses the addition of bilmekto know to form its sense of meaning.

It takes the form with a dotted i and is not subject to vowel harmony.

bilmek is a word in its own right.

It is is similar to the Scottish use of "ken" - to know 
Do you ken the swimming?
[Do you know how to swim?]

Positive Potential Mood Formation

To form various tenses -mek -mak infinitive sign is replaced by -e--a-

The verb bilmekto know is affixed thus forming -ebil- -abil- as the Potential Mood Suffix.

In Turkish a new verb is formed.

English uses the auxiliary verb to be able

  • Active Verb:
    yazmakto write
    gelmekto come
    gülmekto laugh

  • Passive Verb:
    yazılmakto be written

  • Passive Potential:
    to be able to be written

  • Active Potential:
    to be able to come
    to be able to write
    to be able to laugh

  • The Causative Potential:
    güldürmekto make s.o. laugh

  • Causative Potential Passive :
    to be able to make s.o. laugh

Turkish Positive Potential - verb stem terminates in a vowel.

  • Verb Stems ending in a Vowel: add -yebil- -yabil- using buffer letter -y-

  • yürümekto walk → yürüyebilmek
    to be able to walk

  • taşımakto carry → taşıyabilmek
    to be able to carry

Turkish Potential Mood Examples

Potential Mood Present Continuous Tense:
I can come, I am able to come, I may come, I might come

Potential Mood Present Simple Tense:
I can come, I am able to come, I may come, I might come

Potential Mood Future Tense:
you will be able to go, etc.

Turkish Potential Mood Past Tense:
we were able to start, etc..

Turkish Potential Mood Present Continuous Conjugation

  • Active:görmekto see →

  • Passive:görebilmek
    to be able to see

  • görebiliyorum
    I can see, I am able to see, I may see, I might see

  • görebiliyorsun
    you can see, you are able to see

  • görebiliyor
    he can see, he is able to see

  • görebiliyoruz
    we can see, we are able to see

  • görebiliyorsunuz
    you can see, you are am able to see

  • görebiliyorlar
    they can see, they are able to see

Turkish Potential Interrogative

The Interrogative is formed in a similar manner by using a personalised question tag.

It is written separately and follows vowel harmony.

  • gelebiliyor muyum?
    Can I come?

  • gelebiliyor musunuz?
    Can you come?

Turkish Potential Mood Future Conjugation

  • Future Potential:
    kalmakto stay, to remain →
    kalabilecekto be able to stay, remain
    [in future time]

  • kalabileceğim
    I will be able to stay

  • kalabileceksin
    you will be able to stay

  • kalabilecek
    he will be able to stay

  • kalabileceğiz
    we will be able to stay

  • kalabileceksiniz
    you will be able to stay

  • kalabilecekler
    they will be able to stay

  • Future Interrogative Potential: Is formed in a similar manner.

  • gidebilecek misiniz?
    will you be able to go?

Turkish Potential Mood Definite Past Tense

  • beklemekto wait, to expect →

  • bekleyebilmekto be able to wait, expect

  • bekleyebildim
    I could wait

  • bekleyebildin
    you could wait

  • bekleyebildi
    he could wait

  • bekleyebildik
    we could wait

  • bekleyebildiniz
    you could wait

  • bekleyebildiler
    they could wait

Turkish Potential Mood Definite Unreal Past Tense

Use of simple timeless present tense by adding tense sign -ir causes the meaning to be "unreal".

  • Past Definite Potential Unreal:

  • beklemekto wait, to expect →
    to be able to wait, expect

  • bekleyebilirdim
    I could have waited

  • bekleyebilirdin
    you could have waited

  • bekleyebilirdi
    he could have waited

  • bekleyebilirdik
    we could have waited

  • bekleyebilirdiniz
    you could have waited

  • bekleyebilirdiler
    they could have waited

Turkish Potential Mood Indefinite Past Tense

  • Past Indefinite Potential:

  • düşünmekto think →

  • düşünebilmekto be able to think
    düşünebilmişimit seems I was able to think

  • düşünebilmişsin
    it seems you were able to think

  • düşünebilmiş
    it seems he was able to think

  • düşünebilmişiz
    it seems we were able to think

  • düşünebilmişsiniz
    it seems you were able to think

  • düşünebilmişler
    it seems they were able to think

  • Active potential Interrogative form:

  • bekleyebilmişsiniz mi?
    could you have waited?

Turkish Potential Mood Past Continuous Tense

  • Imperfect Past Potential Passive:

  • yapmakto do, to make →
    yapabilmekto be able to do

  • yapabiliyordum
    I was able to do

  • yapabiliyordun
    you were able to do

  • yapabiliyordu
    he was able to do

  • yapabiliyorduk
    we were able to do

  • yapabiliyordunuz
    you were able to do

  • yapabiliyorlardı
    they were able to do

  • Interrogative form:

  • durabiliyorlardı mı?
    were they able to stop, halt ?

This example shows clearly that the auxiliary bilmek"to know" is a separate word in its own right.

It keeps its dotted i as it is not subject to vowel harmony rules.


Turkish Potential Mood Positive - to be able, I can

Turkish Potential Mood Positive - to be able, I can

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